MovieChat Forums > The Apprentice (2004) Discussion > I can watch Celebrity Apprentice as long...

I can watch Celebrity Apprentice as long.......

While I like the original apprentice with normal people, I think I will actually to be able enjoy a season of Celebrity Apprentice if they keep doing these types of challenges that are built around projects, presentations and ads.

I couldn't stand watching the original version of Celebrity Apprentice where all it was is, "now I don't want to waste my big fund raisers on a project that I'm not the lead on" type of show. Where it didn't matter how you did, it just mattered if you could get enough friends to come and donate money.


> it just mattered if you could get enough friends to come and donate money.

I agree and I do hope that it will stay like it has been these first two episodes. I suspect that the producers know that the men this year would far out-strip the women in such a challenge. None of the women (except maybe Carnie) look like they have friends with two nickels to rub together. The men seem to run in circles with people that have deep pockets.

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