MMA dude - Homophobic?

Could he express how much he hated the idea of the drag-queen even more?


I thought that Chael was right. Just didn't seem like something to put on a motorcycle ad.


So b/c he hated the drag queen idea that makes him homophobic? I'm not homophobic at all, but even I didnt think it was the best idea.


Ok, fair enough.

I felt at times he was looking a little uncomfortable and not because of the drag queen idea but the overall premise of using a homosexual to promote a motorcycle.

I didn't mind the idea to be honest. I thought it was original and I loved the photo of the drag queen on the bike.

Just my 2cents.


He probably was uncomfortable, but that doesnt make a person homophobic either. Heck I was uncomfortable with Carson getting naked and I wasnt even there. While Carson's idea was original I still don't think he did it well. The pose was over the top and corny to tell you the truth, when I saw the pose they chose, I thought they would lose b/c of it. They could have done a different pose and it been better.


Yea - no.
He didn't seem homophobic at all. He just seemed stuck in the mindset of advertising to who he thought were more 'traditional' bike riders.
While I liked Carson's creativity and how he pushed the envelope - a couple of other guys ended up being right because in the boardroom they confirmed that the Exec's thought the drag queen may have been a little too much.
Not to mention- who says the drag queen is homosexual? All drag queens are not gay.


they confirmed that the Exec's thought the drag queen may have been a little too much.

No they did not. Arnold's newphew said "But did the executives think you went too far?" to create suspense on who would win. Obviously they did not think it went to far.


You SJW are so stupid.

Go away and let the adults talk. Go away with your asinine, "his eyebrow twitched when so and so talked....therefore they MUST BE A HOMOPHOBE, SEXIST, BIGOT, RACIST!!!!!"

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


Wow. Someone's a little cranky.

Go back to bed little one and maybe you'll feel better in the morning.


Look at how quickly, how readily you are ready with your "obic", "ist" label you are looking to lay on someone and just the mere notion that they didn't like the drag queen idea you are ready to label them as one of those bad people. People who run around looking to label people suck.

Drag queens are not the demographic. It's totally rational to discuss whether you want to focus an add campaign on the demographic that will not purchase your product and if any do the numbers are so small that they make no difference in sales.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


To me it wasn't because he didn't like the idea, it was his body-language. The camera did a very good job showing Chael look uncomfortable and even disgusted about the idea. He even had that look when Carson went naked on the bike.

Maybe I overestimated the notion, or maybe I don't like this guy because he hasn't done anything and it pisses me off he's still on the show.

I thought it was a good idea because it was pushing the envelope as the execs wanted and didn't see anything wrong with it.

If the execs thought it was too much, fine.


I think if he was actually homophobic he wouldn't even be on this show teamed with a homosexual like Carson. He seems fine around Carson, who's as gay as they come. I mean Chael is a trash talker but a lot of it is silly nonsense. The stuff he said about Brazil was hysterical.

"Get out here, son! There's a doin's a transpirin'!!"


You didn't notice how the entire team (other than BG and Carson) was uncomfortable?

The discomfort was possibly also due to the general feeling that the concept was disastrous. I don't think any of them are "homophobic." Kinda tired of the term. People are allowed to like or dislike whomever they want. I don't think Vince likes BG. Does that make him homophobic?


I can't believe they won. I mean the whole idea was that it was cutting edge to market to women, that was the cutting edge part, just to show that. Having all these non-bikers taking pictures with the bike was silly. Bikers have very distinct communities centered around the passion of the bike, that's all you have to do is love being a biker to be welcome, but if you put a love for your differences first, it defeats the purpose of the biking community where they can forget about their differences and enjoy what they have in common, biking. The word community comes from the same root word for common.

On another note to the OP if someone is uncomfortable with homosexuality, so what? You can't dictate people's feelings, all that matters is if everyone has equal opportunity, not controlling others' feelings.
