Why do gays have to talk about being gay every time they open their mouths?
This Carson guy. All he talks about.
You don't hear Vince Neil talk about being normalsexual every second.
DISNEY can't be trusted!
Why do gays have to talk about being gay every time they open their mouths?
This Carson guy. All he talks about.
You don't hear Vince Neil talk about being normalsexual every second.
DISNEY can't be trusted!
Get some culture.
shareWhat does culture have to do with it?
I don't care that he's gay. I don't care if he mentions it occasionally.
But why is it literally the only thing he talks about?
Why don't you get some culture, or why doesn't Carson get some experience other than just being gay?
Is there nothing more to him? Is he not gay + lot's of other things?
It's something you really only see with certain types of gay men.
You don't see straight guys who spend 100% of their time talking about being straight. They happen to be straight and they also happen to be lots of other things and have lots of other things to talk about in addition to their interest in women.
But certain gay men (such as Carson) seem to be very one dimensional. He's very "I'm gay and that's it", well... your gay, that's nice; but what else are you?
It's not about culture or lack of culture, it's about not being a one dimensional person.
Just being gay? So what.
Could you imagine how boring it would be for a normal guy to go on a show and say "I like women and I have nothing else to say about myself, ever"
Carson is a one trick pony, every episode is "Hi, I'm gay and have nothing else to say, ever"
You do see straight me who absolutely have to go on and on about it. Constant bragging about how many women they've slept with etc.
Kressley is certainly a flamboyant gay. I've seen him interviewed a few times and while it's clear he's gay, he's been engaged in a wide range of conversations.
It was also him, on the 2nd task, who put forward the idea of showing people with everyday smiles and there was nothing gay about the idea.
Sorry you seem to have autism that renders you unable to let your bigotry and homopobia pass in the face of clear evidence to the contrary.
good answer, it's true you see straight men constantly talking about banging women etc.
Kressly also grew up in a time where you had to hide your sexuality. I am sure it feels nice to be able to openly talk about it on tv when he probably had to hide it from his grandmother or whomever as a teenager in the 80s when people were freaked out about aids. People have such a short memory and they take for granted the freedoms they see today.
Shame. The first part of your answer was very good.
But then you had to end it by resorting to personal attack and insults. SMH.
I have gay friends and thats not all they talk about. Maybe thats just how she shows wants you to think or believe.
shareBecause Carson is really really gay.
shareI hate gays who talk like that and worse, take pleasure in making sexual remarks to straights about their deprived lifestle.