MovieChat Forums > The Apprentice (2004) Discussion > I don't like Lisa Leslie

I don't like Lisa Leslie

She's just always had some smarmy way about her ever since the show started.

The question is, do I root for her to get fired because I don't like the way she gets along with people...or do I root for her to stick around because she's villain to root against? Once she is fired that drama of "ooooh I can't stand her" will be gone.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


I don't dislike her, but there is something cold and mechanical about her.


She probably would have been fired if Vince didn't take one for the team. She contributes little to the tasks then points fingers in the boardroom. Bitch needs to go.

Who says violence is not the answer?


Yah, and when it comes to the boardroom she quickly throws the others under the bus about their lack of contribution.

I loved it when Arnold shut her up. "Only one person speaking at a time. Thank you"!!


She's more honest in the boardroom. The rest of the ladies too concerned about friendship and niceties to speak up and fight for themselves.


> She's more honest in the boardroom.

Just like Trump was the most honest candidate. The thing is that "honest" doesn't always mean "good."

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Trump is getting criticized for keeping his campaign promises, that's how honest he was. Wake up from the mainstream media and actually do some research on facts. You don't know even know what the TPP is or it's ramifications were or how he signed an order to repeal massive bureaucratic regulation. He also is keeping us from ww3 with russia and ending that proxy war in syria by helping assad. He also moved the dakota pipeline - what Obama was too incapable of doing. You are a typical ignorant trump critic brainwashed by media.
