Arnold roasting Patrick

By far the best part of the season for me so far, was when Arnold said "no one would buy protein from Patrick"! Followed by the dazed/confused look Patrick always has.


Funny, although I never thought of Oatrick as small.

He also roasted Lisa by saying she's old.



Yeah, that was funny! 


Patrick is rather slim.


I love this season. I hope they don't cancel this show.


I loved how he said it in his speech not as a joke.
Said it and continued talking like it was no joke.

I don't let anyone hot-comb out my HAIRitage!


The money comment was funny too.

"We've got £25bn between us. Ok he's got 24.5 of it and I've got 0.5 but *points at Patrick*... he's got none"


That was hilarious! Yes, Patrick's constant dazed look is priceless. Maybe after the show Patrick will have a little more to put in his piggy bank LOL!
