The seen where Alan sees himself eat the scab he just picked off his knee made me want to vomit. I remember kids who ate boogers and licked nose run, but eating a scab off a wound??? That is positively disgusting. Has anyone ever known a kid who actually did that? I mean, it is almost cannabalism! Gross!
By the way, for all those who think scabs are gross, they usually do not contain the dirt, viruses, and bacteria that oral mucus and snot have. Ingesting one's own tissue is not cannibalism
1 : the usually ritualistic eating of human flesh by a human being 2 : the eating of the flesh of an animal by another animal of the same kind).
A scab is less than a few milligrams. Have you never swallowed your own spit? Uh, yeah, everytime you eat you're swallowing more infectious stuff than a scab. Have you never had a bloody nose that ran down your throat?
You lazy, half-ass bully! Any as*hole can pull a gun on somebody! ... Boy! You need a role model!---Donny Astricky
Well it could be part of OCD, although Robin Williams' character didn't exhibit many other OCD symptoms. But it is a real disorder to pick at one's skin - I have a form of this in that I pick at the skin around my fingernails until they bleed, sometimes...
haha, i was actually thinking about that scene too... i was confused for a moment, and i thought he just tasted his blood or something, but then i contended that something definitely went into his mouth... so blah. x_x
Yeah, I don't really see the point that eating the scab made for his character. Oh well. I liked the movie anyway. I thought it was originally called The Cutter when I saw it a couple years ago. Weird.
As a kid, we used to try to gross each other eat with the ol' 'Would you rather ....' One of them was invariably 'Eat a scab sandwich'. As I recall, it actually got chosen quite often. There must have been things much grosser to our 9 year old boy minds, probably involving the nudity of our elderly teacher. Or maybe it was the implication that at least a scab sandwich would come with bread.