That's it, Ethan Hawke. Thank you! I just felt his character in this was very unappealing and was arguably meant to be although I am sure he is quite different and far more appealing in other roles (actors have to be adaptable of course).
I can't really describe it. The word my mother would use would be "clammy" lol. Do you know what I mean? The sort of guy who'd have a cold, wet handshake and a cold dribbley kiss That's just how I saw his character as the "art dealer". He portrayed himself as a little weak and scared of his own shadow (which was all part of the persona he had adopted of course).
Illeanna (?) had thus far refuted all attempts by colleagues etc. to so much as go out for a drink with them which is why I found it hard to swallow that she would be even remotely physically or even emotionally attracted to this rather wimpish guy.
Unless I've missed a side to her character, I would have assumed that a woman of her intense beauty, savvy and arguable independence would, if anything, had fallen for a much stronger character and certainly not a witness, even if that witness was 200% more desirable!
That's just my own personal take on it though considering she was otherwise "together" enough to have never allowed herself to even contemplate mixing business with pleasure, let alone with a suspect-stroke-witness.
The best man for the job is a woman..