His weight..
In this film he is so thin, does anybody know what he did to make himself gain all that weight and muscle for batman begins? Anybody know which diet he went on to gain all that weight back?
shareIn this film he is so thin, does anybody know what he did to make himself gain all that weight and muscle for batman begins? Anybody know which diet he went on to gain all that weight back?
shareSteroids, most likely. But what else he did, I don't know.
shareYeah he most probably used steroids to gain the muscle, but do you know what diet he went on to put on all that weight?
shareI don't, sorry.
shareAnybody else know?
sharehe ate only 1 apple OR 1 can of tuna a day for 4 months.
shareThe OP didn't ask how he lost the weight. He asked how he gained all that weight and muscle for Batman Begins after having been so thin for the filming of The Machinist.
sharei actually eat an apple and 2 cans on days i work out for the quality protein and omega 3 :) man does the weight disappear
shareEating one can of tuna a day is not recommended due to mercury poisoning.
And to do that for a solid 4 months. I wonder who recommended him such a diet.
Well what are the use of my brains if I'm tied up with a dumb cluck like you?
he majority of this diet consisted of salads and apples, chewed gum, smoked cigarettes, and he drank nonfat lattes.
shareThe OP didn't ask how he lost the weight. He asked how he gained all that weight and muscle for Batman Begins after having been so thin for the filming of The Machinist.
sharehis diet mainly consisted of light-weight foods and snacks such as fruit, gum, slim fast if he was about to cave.. LOTS of cigarettes. hope this helped.
Come on, Billy. Make a basket. - Sarah Jackson
The OP didn't ask how he lost the weight. He asked how he gained all that weight and muscle for Batman Begins after having been so thin for the filming of The Machinist.
shareI think it is trick photography - easy for Hollywood.
shareThat's not true.
Actors have the best contacts and a lot of money, so it's not hard to get your hands on some of the best pharmacy grade AAS on the market.
Do not underestimate what testosterone and trenbolone can do for your body muscle-wise.
95% of adult-film actors use AAS to look as good as possible, so why wouldn't Hollywood actors, too? There's no doubt that actors such as Hugh Jackman are on AAS.
AAS = Anabolic androgenic steroids
he majority of this diet consisted of salads and apples, chewed gum, smoked cigarettes, and he drank nonfat lattes.
shareSteroids do not make you become really big, that's a common myth. The reason body builders take them is they help muscles recover from the breakdown that occurs during lifting sessions. He would have consumed vast amounts of Protein, Carbs and Calories including fat to get his weight back up to be able to properly do weight training otherwise he would have probably only gained half the weight back that he did
shareThis post is wrong. Of course steroids contribute to the muscle building process and they will make you even bigger than somebody who doesn't take them. When your body recovers its builds back the muscles that were destroyed during the exercise. Steroids improve and accelerate this process. if you lift heavy weights with the intention of building muscle, your body will get bigger and steroids help with this tremendously. All you have to do to see the difference is take a look at a clean bodybuilder and a professional one.
Bale probably just had a normal body builder diet. 5 smaller meals a day with a lot of protein, a lot.
No matter how much steroids you take, if you aren't eating any food, you aren't going to gain the muscle. The building blocks of muscle don't just appear out of thin air.
You have to put food into your body to create the muscle. So seeing as the initial question is about diet, the steroids aren't really relevant.
Well what are the use of my brains if I'm tied up with a dumb cluck like you?
Weights and protein and calories. This isnt rocket science here.
shareYeah but im asking if anybody knows the diet/routine, what he ate, how much, how often, etc..
sharefor him to come back from that to batman shape in a year is one of the most amazing feats of bodybuilding Ive ever seen / read about.... , putting on more than 15 muscle pounds per 90 day period even with steroid help is a major accomplishment... he did about 80lbs in less than a year ...
im sure it required stacking of 3 or more steroids, additional medication to counteract side effects, full time 7 / 365 medical staff care, daily meal / nutritionist help, weekly blood testing with in depth metabolic and hormone panels... in short probably about $300K and 60 hours a week for 50 weeks effort with a significant risk of life threatening complications. The round trip was definitely the most dangerous thing hes ever done and hes definitley got some lifetime problems of some type from it.
the best forum is probably http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/anabolic-steroids/
read some of those stories and it will put the incredible gravity of the Machinist effort on Bales part in perspective.
Thankyou for the detailed response smfilm, its actually quite amazing how hes alive now if he put himself through all that to be honest.
He was in good shape before he lost the weight.
He was extremely malnourished, gaining weight and muscle back comes easy after that. Its called the memory effect. With good nutrition and a balanced training its perfectly possible. He wasnt pushing himself to new hights, just to the regular. Thats why it was so fast.
I was 85kg and I went down to 60kg because of some emotional reasons, then I woke up, realised whats up, joined a gym and I got back up to 80kg in 2 months. And I almost had no idea about nutrition or proper training...
So I doubt he used steroids, I hate how everyone thinks that you need steroids to acomplish an amazing feat...
I am inclined to agree with you.
I'm sure it's easy to gain muscle mass if you are deathly thin.
However, as you gain more muscle mass, it's harder to trick your body into thinking that you need more of it as what you have would already be sufficient.
There's a diminishing effect of muscle gain, which is why people reach a plateau (especially if you're going natural). So I'm sure it wasn't THAT difficult to initially gain weight provided he ate enough.
Well what are the use of my brains if I'm tied up with a dumb cluck like you?
That here, is *beep* true!
shareAnd he lost a large amount of weight again (albeit not as extreme) for The Fighter in 2010 then put the weight back on for Dark Knight Returns in 2012
shareSimple: eat as much as you can as often as you can and lift weights every day.
shareMost of the weight he gained was fat not muscle. Still he probably used steroids as was mentioned before.
Hey, don't forget about Robert DeNiro in "Raging Bull". He put the weight on pretty quick too.
You obviously don't know the different between what fat looks like and muscles then...
shareI remember a few pics in between the films where he looked a bit pudgy. After Machinist he probably hit the burger joints, but then got a personal trainer.
Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.
Actually, Christian Bale got so big and added so much muscle for Batman Begins, that Nolan, the producers et all, asked him to lose some weight because he got too big for the role. Or something along those lines.
shareThose that mentioned he gained more fat are correct. At least initially. Bale mentioned in interviews that he regained weight in a somewhat unhealthy way initially. He ate a lot of Krispy Kremes and other fatty foods, then he started working out with a trainer. Micheal Caine spoke in interviews about how many and how fast Bale would do push-ups, like in the scene in Batman Begins. Christian Bale actually doens't recommend his means of losing or gaining weight for these two movies.
I have a policy about honesty and ass-kicking: if you ask I have to let you have it
wow wow wow... it's possible to gain that much muscle mass with a strict diet plus whey protein and creatine. You guys ever heard of Circuit training? this is what movie stars do to gain muscle mass very quickly.
ok.First of all,circuit training is a good option,and it's true that some movie stars use it.But it's not that superior to normal weight training(might build type 3 muscle fibers,look up Lean Hybrid Muscle).
But part of Christian Bale's succes is called "muscle memory".You see,he already had a lot of muscle before using it,so it came back quickly.That's why you put a lot of mass once you go back to weight training.
Didn't anyone read the first page describing the film? It said his diet consisted of 1 can of tuna and an apple each day. In any case he's a sick man. he got down to 110 lbs. That's dangerous. No acting role is worth your life.
share"Didn't anyone read the first page describing the film? It said his diet consisted of 1 can of tuna and an apple each day. In any case he's a sick man. he got down to 110 lbs. That's dangerous. No acting role is worth your life."
Didn't you read the original post in this thread? The question was asking what diet he went on AFTER filming The Machinist to regain the weight so quickly for his role in Batman Begins.
Reading comprehension is a beautiful thing. ;)
Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm gonna blow him right to Mars.
Well, he does it and he loves it. He is by far one of the most impressive actors ever!
shareI heard an interview that claimed all Bale did to begin with was over-eat to gain weight, which was mostly fat. Supposedly he got so big when he showed up to the set people made jokes whether they were filming Batman or Fatman lol So Nolan let him know he needed to lose the fat and I guess he must of went ape $hit in the weight room after that.
"Stop Telling Lies About Me, I'll Stop Telling The Truth About You"
Regarding the weight he lost, then put back on, in the film there's a photo of him at regular weight, and during the flashback to the accident, when he's leaning out the car window at what he did, he appears to be regular weight. My questions is, did they shoot/photograph those parts first, then had him lose the weight, or did they do that after principal photography had completed, and he had put weight back on?
"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"