A very similar event also happened to me in Germany. The only difference isthat it occurred 30 years after the war. I was riding with two Germans in a car as a hitchhiker, and after several minutes of conversation one said to me that he could not put his finger on what part of Germany I came from, and that he thought he distinguished a very slight French accent. I was born in Montreal, spoke German with my mother until the age of five, then went to French school, picked up English from my mother's friends. I can "fake" a Berliner accent for about 15 seconds, but then a "je ne sais quoi" becomes "spuerbar", and the SS would shoot me. Yes, there is something a bit off in Fassbinder's accent, it seems to be lacking in the Umgangssprache, in the colloquial; it's very hard to imitate as it is injected with deep emotional colours.