7.4 Rating

I think the minus sign is missing from this rating. It has to be -7.4. This is one of the most boring,unfunny movies in the history of film.


I guess you were hoping it was more like Zoolander.


What? You didn't like Zoolander? How very one note of you. Both are great films for different reasons obviously. I think most of the people who didn't like Walter Mitty is because they can't appreciate the situation or ever envision themselves to be in a similar position and therefore connect with the character.


I liked both of the films, actually


I just saw come it up on HBO and forgot that I'd actually seen it a year ago.

I didn't last 2 minutes.

It's the most horrible Ben Stiller movie ever. I love Ben Stiller.

But this film seemed like a cop out money maker. It was so over done. It was so plastic Hollywood.

It was lame. It looked like every scene was done with a green screen behind them.

It's ironic because my wife and I watched one of our favorite movies ever last night, 'Zoolander,' and thought what the heck happened?

I think he's compleely sold out. I don't blame him though. Why not?

Who wouldn't take $25 million for a last flick or two? I'm so poor, I'd take $25,000......



I hate Ben stiller. This movie makes him livable.


I see what you did there!


I didn't last 2 minutes.

That's a shame. I watched the first 20 minutes one day and thought I'd never come back to it. I'm glad I did.

I love Ben Stiller.

I usually hate his movies. I guess he aimed it at a different crowd.

It was so plastic Hollywood.


It looked like every scene was done with a green screen behind them.

I guess you're just not used to seeing a country as beautiful as Iceland.

I think he's compleely sold out. I don't blame him though. Why not?

Yes, a film made to tug at emotions with great cinematics is selling out. Not a low-brow comedy.


Spot on!


I completely agree (almost). I like Ben Stiller from his early efforts in the Ben Stiller show to many of his movie roles. This POS I have no idea why it was made. Maybe I am too much a fan of the short story and the Walter Mattheau movie. I bailed 5 mins in and that is very rare for me.

"If you didn't screw the cow, she"s not your cow."
- Ellen Burstyn


Yep. Big time dud.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I do appreciate the theme of the film and it's nice to see a different side to Ben Stiller, but it was just a boring film. Not a bad one, just a boring one.
I think that is because of the plot. It didn't feel coherent at all,just a bunch of random scenes put together. But it was beautiful to watch though.

Nice try from Stiller tough. I wish he would continue to show us this new side with better material.


Not enough Transformers in it for you?


I liked it very much. I haven't watched the 1947 film, but I thought this one was engaging, entertaining, imaginative, beautifully filmed, and mostly unpredictable. Some critics here might want to back off from their energy drinks and mood enhancers. It was very refreshing to see a big Hollywood picture that you could understand all the dialogue and didn't rely on blasting music or sudden over-the-top sound effects to shock the viewer. I often have an uncontrollable urge to choke the late, Marlon Brando, for popularizing that irritating, mumbling acting style which is impossible to understand during obligatory obnoxious background music. It seems many current actors are following this style. For the love of humanity, this trend must be reversed!


I agree movie sucked


Remind me never to read ANY other review of yours. You consider yourself a real film buff, do ya? Lemme guess....Jackie Chan or another horrible Adam Sandler flick is what you consider "Film", huh? This was an extremely-well-done film. Don't worry...Madea Part 36 will be out by Christmas.


I absolutely agree with you. I couldn't watch more that about twenty minutes because I was so bored. Actually I never saw a Ben Stiller movie which was the least bit funny. He is one of the most over-rated actors. Talentless and boring.


First of all dumbass, it's not a comedy.
Second of all, you're a moron.
Third of all, I weep for your future.
