I liked it, oddly enough.

Yeah, it had *tons* of annoying factors, but to be honest, nothing you don't see in the new Bond movies. The thing that got on my nerves was the typical, "agent meets a girl. Agent and girl don't get along. Girl turns out to be an agent of a rivaling agency" plot twist.

And the plot was overly naive. It'd be nice to see a movie like this, only with a plot that was a little more serious. And dammit, not so major! It irks me every time they make kids save the world and then everyone acts like it was just the funniest time ever and blaaaarrrggh.

Oh well. I *still* enjoyed it. But I do admit, one can only enjoy it if one doesn't take it seriously. Because it that case, it will suck.

There was one *genuinely* good scene though. When Cody and Diaz's fight is coming to an end, with the music ascending and everything. The fighting and the camera-use was excellent in that scene. Also, Diaz's little talk about Cody's friends not being there when he was about to die and everything... that was a moment when the movie stepped away from the childishness, just for a second.

(But I'll always take Frankie over Brosnan.)

"Hitto!" Jack huudahti. "Herra Babbington, nyt kunnioitus menee jo liiallisuuksiin."
-P O'Brian

