MovieChat Forums > Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004) Discussion > will the movie industry stop making sequ...

will the movie industry stop making sequels to really bad movies!!!!!!!!

i mean c'mon, this movie was nothing but a piece of junk. it doesn't need a sequel. it sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!! when is the bloody movie industry going to learn, that not every film needs a sequel? probably cause, they've lost all of their original ideas, and that in order to keep their film budget, there just going to make a load of bad sequels!!!!!!! my message to hollywood: go deep inside your minds, and think of something creative, original. STOP MAKING SEQUELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what do you believe is the right decision? this film and other stupid sequels should be thrown away permanentely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if kids like it their parent are gonna see it with them thus resulting in mucho dinero



lol that is *beep* all of it
and what in h-e-l-l do u men with BAD MOVIES? lol
is James Bond Bad?



ok i dont wanna start a fight but i dont think that the james bond movies are bad but i do think that it is corny how he can always get missed by the bullets.

ur like a duck to water a bird to the sky a..a...lo-to a ser!!!!-lizzie mcguire



Yes, I'm goshdarn sick of all the sequels the movie industry is cramming down our throats. Charlie Angels 2, X2, Matrix Reloaded, Agent Cody Banks 2, 2 Fast 2 Furious, and T3 to name a few. Sequels used to be made with hesitation keeping in mind that sequels made 60%, they're blowing big budgets on crappier films.

I supposet this is why original films like Seabiscuit and other movies are making tons of money, because they're original.



You people wish you had his talent to even make a photo shoot much less a movie!



Be quiet you miserable idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I definely agree with you, this movie should have never been greenlighted in the first place. They are so deparate for money they earn (which was enough to feed the poor)and this is the reason why stupid people make stupid movies.


For gods sake! People are of course allowed to have their own oppinions, but i have to sayt his: As long as KIDS are liking this movie, Or the audience that MGM is targeting for is paying to see this and liking it.. They pretty much don't give a flying f**k what you or anyone else thinks


1600 Debbie1600
yes i am psycho


The first movie was alright actually, it wasn't exactly crap and I could swear on my life that more than half the people who have posted on this board are going to watch this film when it comes out.
Why else would u be searching Agent Cody Banks on a movie database? Why are you posting messages on something u hate? I know you all liked the first movie.
Also, you should take into account that they have different actors now, a different setting, a different plot and a different director.


Stop being so generalized. I search for movies on a database because I know that there'll be some funny topics. In July I was going through the "From Justin to Kelly" boards laughing at the exchanges. Also, do you know how many people talk trash about Titanic? Some people actually created accounts like "Titanic_sucks" and posted it on the Titanic board! So don't be so generalized about who frequents these boards.


agree, Agent Cody banks waz boring! BORING BORING BORING! I laughed so hard that they even took the time to make it!


I cried so hard about Holliwood churning out crappy kids movies about spies because they know that no matter how bad it is, kids will go to see it because 'it's got cool spies!'


Actually coolchris27, they would say it that way, but they type it as this:

"its got kool spiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WTF LOL!!!!!!!1"
- - - - - - - - -

"Ya in fact James bond is bad
people fire entire clips at him and he never gets hit"

The way I see it, if people shoot a whole clip at you and you DON'T DIE, you are pretty freakin' good. How many people do you know that are bulletproof? Huh? Huh?



James Bond is a super human human. Thats the point, he goes into a strenuous situation, comes out and straightens his tie. Thats what its all about! I didn't think someone could actually miss the point of James Bond, but jeez, i must have been wrong.

ACB was a fun movie for kids in their mid teens, if you don't like it, it wasn't made for you or you're a little too uptight. My younger brother loved it as did i and i'll be taking him to see the second one, because its fun. thats all...

Oh, and Frankie Muniz is the luckiest kid alive.

"Hi, I'm Plenty"
"Well of courshe you are..."


I wanted to applaud when I saw the title of your post. I couldn't agree more. I didn't even see the first one and if this film is any indication, I have no desire to see the first one. Sadly, it's a fact of life in Hollywood, just about any movie that makes back the cost of the production and even the slightest profit, they will figure out a way to make a sequel and squeeze the formula dry, however lame the original film was.
