scene cut out?

i believe that there was a scene shown on television where they were in the home made shooting all the guys and brad was on like a 4 wheeler or something and angie was on the back with her gun shooting them. when i watched it on DVD (the rated version) this scene wasn't there or even in the deleted scenes. did i see this in another movie or was it just cut out?


Nope, you saw it in this movie. There are a bunch of scenes on the regular DVD that are not in the movie or the TV version, but the scene with the ATV with the mini-gun on the back is not on the DVD. If you watch the DVD version, right before they get in the shed at the end, you can see the tires of the ATV laying on it's side before they scramble into the shed. Lots of little differences between the current TV version and the DVD, including the music that's played over the final battle scene as they come out of the shed. Maybe someone can explain why there are techincally three versions here that don't add anything. *shrugs*
