i love this movie.
i'm not sure why, but i just can relate to its absurd humour so much. basically every scene puts a big fat smile on my face. i can't understand that people actually hate it.
Flow my tears...
i'm not sure why, but i just can relate to its absurd humour so much. basically every scene puts a big fat smile on my face. i can't understand that people actually hate it.
Flow my tears...
Maybe because it is Deep AND Silly at the same time and a lot of people don't get that, or know what to do with that concept....I love this film, too. Especially Wahlberg. He is so likably psycho in this!
shareI really like this movie too but i kind of understand why a lot of people hate it. As some people on here have said some of it has to do with the sophistication level require to actually "get" a lot of what's going on. I took AP english in high school and that is where i learned about existentialism. I am not sure if it is covered in the regular curriculum or if you need to take college level courses to learn about it in school. if the person viewing the film doesn't understand the concept of existentialism then they won't understand a lot about what the "Detectives" or the french lady say or the idea of the blanket or the "pure being" scene where they hit each other in the face with the ball.
with that being said there are a lot of concepts that are touched on that I really like that have a lot more to do with annoying human traits than existentialism that pretty much anyone can understand but usually by then the people who don't get the beginning have given up and decided they hate this movie and everything about it.
I love that scene where they are having dinner with that Christian family and Mark Walberg starts fighting with the dad and says "you are a horrible person" and the mom yells something like "we are good people, we took an african refugee into our home..." although the context of the scene doesn't quite underline why this family is so horrible beyond the skewed perspective of Mark Walberg's character I love how it points out how ridiculous it is when people think it's okay to do douchey things because they do [blank] and that makes up for everything. kind of like the way some christians out there think that they are good people just because they are christians and as long as they go to church every sunday all is forgiven.
another good concept in this movie is the scene in the mother's apartment when the french lady tell off the mom and says she basically had a kid "so he could be an ornament to you, not a person" and how it touches on the fact that a lot of people have kids just for show and don't even make an effort to be good parents and then they wonder why their kid is all messed up and what went wrong.
The whole Brad Stand/"how am i not myself?" story is really good because we all know someone like him. someone who is all about appearances and cares too much about what others think and who have more ego than personality. it is awesome to see how he tries to come in an win the detectives over and then they expose him and show him how pathetic he is.
"when sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions" -Eric Draven, The Crow
Me too. I haven't enjoyed a film in quite the same way since. Well, there hasn't been another film like it. It's like being amongst friends... it's warm-hearted.