The filmmakers' intention

I saw this film about a year ago and hated it. I watched a little bit of it
yesterday when it was on cable, just to see if it really was as terrible as I
remembered it. It was.
I'd like to know if, when this was first released, were the director/stars
interviewed about it and did they discuss the intentions behind it? Was it
deliberately intended to make the family members so hateful and meanspirited?

It's supposed to be how not to treat a guest and potential in-law in your
home, right?
They didn't really think this was a warmhearted holiday film about a loving family, did they?

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



I have just posted in another thread that I think the filmmakers were going for "Worst Movie Ever" award with this effort. Everything about this movie just screamed bad and nonsensical. It's the kind of work that I would think would cause an actor to lose all self-respect. I am glad at least not all of their careers were ruined by this turd.


I agree. How anybody can call this a great and cheery holiday movie has got to be the biggest mystery to me. Or how can anybody like this family that are nothing but elitist jerks.
