I thought it was pretty good especially as compared to lots of the movies that i I've recently seen in the theater. Most of them don't have much of a story at all much less subplots, and no defined ending. I don't want to have to think that it could go this way or it could go that way just end the story for me. Or you leave thinking "okay, that's nothing like the trailer". I'll never get those three hours back again or any of that money!!! #mockingjay part 1 or whatever it was!
No disrespect, but you sound kind of old You screenwriters with your newfangled ambiguous endings, making me think about things...finish the story for me, dagnabbit! Come on, Mockingjay was good...
That being said, I understand the desire for a more family-friendly, easy on the eyes, uncomplicated film. I really liked the Family Stone for that. A decent story elevated by a great cast, with a really moving ending.
No, actually I'm not old. Don't know how u even got to there from what my comments were but okay. And yea, the last hunger games did suck compared to the first and second one.
The writer something lost on his way.Too many characters which couldn't handle it to look real. The production company cries they're money that lost in that weak movie to pay jessica.
How old are you? 12? Saying someone sounds old is the same as saying they are old. When you don't know someone's age - that's a given. I didn't see how you thought he/she sounded old from her comment either. Forget age, YOU just sound like a moron.