The hate on Meredith
I feel like the hate for Meredith was so forced in this movie, her whole character was such a cliche: the high maintenance career woman who just needs to 'let her hair down' (they even had her wearing a sleek back bun the whole film until the end where she figuratively and literally let her hair down)!
I've seen all over the forum that people thought she was uptight, narrow-minded, and annoying, and I can't even believe that! I couldn't hate her at all! Literally my first reaction was sympathy, you could tell all she wanted was to be loved. Meeting someone your serious with's parents is always kinda scary, and she tried, and she was a sweetheart!
From the get go, the entire family had a negative outlook on her because of 'the mean sister' Amy, and they judged based on HER judgment based on ONE dinner?! And these people are supposed to be down to earth?! The whole thing felt like a kid being bullied at school, Rachel McAdams literally just took her Regina role in Men Girls and applied it to the family!