The hate on Meredith

I feel like the hate for Meredith was so forced in this movie, her whole character was such a cliche: the high maintenance career woman who just needs to 'let her hair down' (they even had her wearing a sleek back bun the whole film until the end where she figuratively and literally let her hair down)!

I've seen all over the forum that people thought she was uptight, narrow-minded, and annoying, and I can't even believe that! I couldn't hate her at all! Literally my first reaction was sympathy, you could tell all she wanted was to be loved. Meeting someone your serious with's parents is always kinda scary, and she tried, and she was a sweetheart!

From the get go, the entire family had a negative outlook on her because of 'the mean sister' Amy, and they judged based on HER judgment based on ONE dinner?! And these people are supposed to be down to earth?! The whole thing felt like a kid being bullied at school, Rachel McAdams literally just took her Regina role in Men Girls and applied it to the family!


I would even feel sorry for Hitler if he were forced to contend with that godawful bunch of self-righteous jerks.

I eke out a meager living scribbling hebdomadal feuilletons.


I think SJP's acting was too cliche. Someone else on here suggested Gwynerh Paltrow for this role. While I am not a big Gwyneth fan, I do think she is a superior actress and could have nuanced this Meredith character with some humanity or at least a few relatable traits. I think it would have been a good combo to have Gwynteth and Claire Danes be sisters, since they even ressemble each other.

The dinner debacle was so contrived too. Bad writing. They needed some device to make Meredith fall into a pit so they could justify ousting her in favor of her sister. The parents yelling was ridiculous and even made them look uptight and uncomfortable with the subject. What did "golden boy" Everett do? Defend his girlfriend? No. Defend his brother? No. He just sat there like a bump on a log.



Meredith had the misfortune of being the lone conservative in a houseful of liberals. Liberals are supposed to be open-minded, tolerant, accepting, non-judgemantal, etc. But dare challenge them or disagree, and they unleash their hatred. It's like the Stone family was saying, "We're progressive and we have a gay son with a Black boyfriend to prove it."


She basically insulted their son and his boyfriend though by suggesting that they weren't normal and that their parents should've wished they weren't the way they were! She could've just left it without having to try and tell someone what they should or shouldn't wish for their children in their own home. And kicking the daughter out of Her room when she had been provided a perfectly fine bed to sleep in was really selfish. The reason they reacted to her was because she was intolerant selfish and rude! It's one thing to have a polite disagreement about some things, but when someone offers completely irrational intolerant views, then they should be challenged!


Meredith DID NOT insult the deaf gay son or his black boyfriend.,she posed a question that is all. True, she should have (by then) realized she wasn't going to be heard correctly, much less agreed with, but she was not being judgmental. She was simply being curious as to their views and just like Sybil and most of the rest of her rude and awful family, you totally misunderstood. It sounds like you're the one leaping to judgment.


I saw the movie with some friends, and we were split down the middle, which really kind of shocked me. I couldn't believe I had friends who thought the Stone family's behavior was normal and okay, and that it was all Meredith's fault for being "uptight".

I had nothing but sympathy for her from the start.


Re: Amy

Amy was clearly just unhappy with her own life and envious of how well Meredith had her whole life together.

Meredith had the big-city life & job, she's the boss, she has the right clothes, she has a successful (until meeting the family) relationship, she has money.

Amy has clearly nose-dived since moving out of her parents' big perfect home. She drives a rustbucket that barely runs, she has an NPR pledge-week tote bag for a purse (and let's face it, it was probably her parents' pledge that got the tote, and they just handed it off to Amy), she brought her laundry to her parents' house for Christmas weekend, her last boyfriend dumped her so hard that the family isn't even allowed to mention him. She's envious and tries to tear Meredith down to make herself feel better.


You know, you're right -- I hadn't put together all those details, but it makes sense. Great analysis of Amy.
"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.


Good insight putting all that together. Do they ever say or hint at what she does for a lliving?


Isn't she a school teacher? I might be wrong. Maybe someone who knows for sure will chime in.


I think that's right. It would make sense, though I can't imagine she would be a very good teacher. She would classify and put her students in pre-fabricated boxes on the first day of class. And poor Amy, after all was said and done, I guess she will have to be compared with successful and now loved Meredith for rest of her days. Hopefully though, she did learn something.

