"What were you wearing?"

When Ben asks Meredith what she was wearing when she was explaining how she and Everett met, what that just Ben being Ben and asking the questions only he would ask, or was he being a wise guy because Meredith was telling the story in so much detail? Thanks!


Probably both.


I think it was mostly Ben being a wise guy, that's how I always read that line. But it could also be a quirk of the character too.


I was thinking since he found her very attractive, he wanted to visualize her.


I don't think he was being a wise guy. He seemed like a sincere guy. As Bruavatn said....He wanted to visualize her. I thought the others would have caught on as when he first met her, he just stared at her from the bottom of the stairs and in the kitchen when she went to take her broken shoe upstairs, He tells her to hurry up pretty lady, we're gonna be talking about you.


Good points. Ben probably was trying to visualize the moment better. Yeah, I think your answer is better than my original one was.
