73. When you take the last of the coffee, you should ALWAYS make a fresh pot--that's the rule.
74. Popping someone's cherry leads to a free round of beers.
75. Getting married won't make your mom's cancer go away
76. Meredith has nice shoes
77. Everett needs to stop being perfect
78. Meredith is too ashamed to *say* what she did last night, but she will smile coyly and allude to the actions she thinks transpired.
79. Asking your girlfriend's sister to try on the engagement ring you intended for the sister is totally appropriate.
80. Trying on the ring is bad luck
81. Gus is the king of kings
82. If your sister asks why you're wearing her engagement ring, change the subject
83. It's totally acceptable for an unliked, unwanted houseguest to invite someone to Christmas without asking.
84. Even if you spill wet, sticky food on yourself, you will still wear those same clothes all day.
85. Meredith has excellent taste in gifts
86. Next year, order take out
87. If you think your boyfriend is going to propose, do everything you can to avoid it until blurting out your refusal in front of the entire family
88. It is totally believable to fall in love with your girlfriend's sister in less than one day
89. Mr. Stone has the same name as my mother, just spelled differently
90. Ben likes Meredith's shoes
91. You better do as Meredith says
92. Having the breakfast you worked so hard on be destroyed will always lead to laughter
93. Meredith hasn't been humiliated enough
94. Meredith is the spoiled, crazy racist bigot from Bedford.
95. If you think you have slept with your boyfriend's brother, blurt it out in front of his family and act devastated when it isn't true.
96. There are going to be a lot of broken hearts in town when Everett gets married
97. After getting humiliated in front of your boyfriend's family, still try to make breakfast for them.
98. Don't touch the jacket
99. When brothers get into a fight, they b**** slap each other like women
100. You can find a room at an inn the day or two before Christmas with no troule at all.
101. When the family hates your brother's girlfriend, lend her your mother's prized coffee mug.