Susannah's Husband

Was there any significance to Susannah's husband not showing up until the end of the movie? It was brought up a few times throughout the movie which seemed odd, especially considering she was pregnant. Perhaps hinting toward a rocky marriage?


The only significance was that the family was far too large, and the Susannah character was completely unnecessary. So they gave her nothing of importance to do or say.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Well, it was nice to have a female family Stone member who was not a raging bitch. All the male characters were pretty chill with Meredith, even when they disliked her, but Amy and Sybil were just so terrible from the start. I appreciated having one woman there to give her a chance and create some balance.

Stop! Manners time.


To the OP, her husband was working & wasn't going to be there until Christmas. I'm pretty sure they say that in the movie. I started watching it last night & got through to almost the halfway mark. Ben asks Suzanna where he is & she says he'll be there the next day which I think is Christmas Eve? Anyway... I agree about having ONE female character not be so completely rude to Meredith. I think since Amy was the only one that met her first, she kind of put a negative picture of Mer in everyone else's head, especially Sybil's. I mean, Suzanna did say Mer was "curt" on the phone but she was more open minded when meeting her than Sybil was.


I agree even if her comment about the shoe and glue was rude.


It's mentioned a few times that he's working away - there's no relevance that I can see.
