MovieChat Forums > The Family Stone (2005) Discussion > So, being a conservative Republican red-...

So, being a conservative Republican red-stater...

...what does it mean that I love this movie?


Well. I love this movie and I'm not conservative!


So this movie brought opposites together. Cool!


It means you have bad taste in movies.


No I don't. This is a great movie. That's not what I was getting at. Try again.


I know what you're getting at, I was just kidding. I'm conservative myself and despised this movie. I just don't think politics are relevant in any way as to whether or not somebody enjoys this movie.


LOL! You know, when I wrote that, I was like, "what if he's kidding?" I get too defensive for my own good sometime. I actually started this with a tongue-in-cheek approach because I too don't understand why politics have anything to do with whether someone likes this movie or not. It's just a movie.


That's ok lol it was kinda hard to tell with my post. But sometimes movies do divide the line between conservatives and liberals, but I'd say in this instance, assuming that's the case, (which I'm not sure it is) it'd be more of a coincidence than anything else since there was nothing political in it. Unless somebody considers that whole dinner table scene with the conversation about gay people to affect somebody's reasoning for liking or disliking the movie. But I wouldn't consider that political unless they got into a whole huge discussion on gay marriage


Everytime I see that scene, I'm like, "ok Meredith, this time just stop talking and shut up. Just shut up!" But she never does. I hate this scene for what she causes--not what they're talking about--but I love Ben. No matter how bad things get, he just goes with the flow.


I thought that scene was very awkward and uncomfortable to watch. Personally I felt it should've been scrapped from the movie.


Had not seen it in a long time, caught the second half the other night and I do not remember thinking it was particularly liberal, did they talk politics, I don't remember, 'cause if it's just that they embrace their gay son and his partner, spouse it would be today, that's absurd, people are confusing the whacky and vocal far right with true conservatives who are quite accepting and loving (not being a conservative I have had experience with both groups I referenced and there is no comparison between the two).


There wasn't anything political about it that I saw.
