Rally stupid movie

this movie is so stupid. cliche but not in a good way. and of course hilary acts bad.


Oh wow this is such an original comment, not cliche at all! I never see these comments anywhere near a Hilary Duff movie board! Bravo internet troll or silly jealous little girl! You have made us all see what a horrible movie this is and what a bad actress Hilary is!

Religion Brings Out The Very Worst In People,Clearly Shows Their Ignorance & Intolerance


Oh rally? Do you rally think that it is a rally stupid movie? That is rally unfortunate for you. Maybe you should spent your time and energy on a movie that you rally enjoy? Bye. I hope you have a rally good day (and I rally hope you learn to spell).



"Go then. There are other worlds than these". Stephen King's The Gunslinger


lol imdb RALLY needs to incorporate "thumbs up" buttons or Likes. maybe if we have a really in front of IMDB offices we will get one ;)


Rally stupid post.

Plot Hole - the most overused and least understood phrase at IMDb

