MovieChat Forums > A Cinderella Story (2004) Discussion > 100 things I learnt from A Cinderella St...

100 things I learnt from A Cinderella Story

Please add to the following list...

100. You can do a multitude of things before school, including a swimming lesson, shift at work and several changes of clothes

99. It is not cool to work in a diner but acceptable to work in a car wash

98. Lawyers clearly dont keep copies of their clients will, they simply tell them to hide them in a book somewhere

97. Its Ok to have a email relationship and flirt with someone else if you have a gf - its not considered cheating

96. If someone wears a mask over their eyes they may aswell wear a bag on their head, because even though Austin saw Sam a loada times since the ball he never clocked on it was princeton girl

95. If you meet someone online you can give them your phone number but not your name

94. Hilary Duff is not very pretty and not very bright (i disagree)

93. Handsome popular jocks dont just have 1 thing on their mind, they like poetry too and feel so hard done by when they cant feel they can express it, but are happy to take glory for everything else

92. It is possible to be late for reality

91. In every school there is a girl who us permanently attached to the tannoy system

90. The funniest thing in the world to teenagers is cheerleaders re-enacting a badly put together skit with nothing really very funny about it at all


89. Jocks like to order breakfast burritos from off-duty waitresses.

88. Car wax makes your hair stand on end.

87. Beautiful, romantic bandstands that are draped in fairy-lights are always deserted at senior proms to allow one couple to have an uninterrupted slow dance while music is played just for them.



85.) Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.


84. When you're dressed like Zorro, it doesn't matter what your social status is, you automatically get to make out with the most popular chick at school.


83. soon enough isn't soon enough.

82. Yellow means slow down, not speed up.


81. A mans best friend is his Mercedes.

80. There are lots of Jiffy Lubes in the San Fronando Valley.

"I can't breathe without you, but I have too." - Taylor Swift "Breathe"


79. Cheerleaders are hot.


78. You can't look angry with too much botox.

77. When you have a close-to-car-accident-experience, your face comes back.

76. When you're working in a kitchen, you're automatically covered in flour.

75. Evil Stephsisters are Evil.

74. So is an Evil Stephmother.

73. When you're a nerd, you'll get wet.

72. When you're a normal girl, your best male friend has to be nerdy or gay (as seen in numerous movies).

71. It's not dangerous to have candles surrounding you in a school garden.

70. When you're zorro at a school party, you'll be a whole lot stronger.

69. When you're zorro outside of a school party, you'll be less lucky.

68. Hilary Duff is not Cinderella-worthy.

67. ..and she lets herself be ordered around writing essays for two ugly bitches.

66. The MTV generation can be very content with this masterpiece (when Paris Hilton's new BFF is 'a masterpiece'.

65. School is lame.

64. So are cheerleaders.


Haha I love the "76. When you're working in a kitchen, you're automatically covered in flour." That was hilarious!



54. the coach doesn't show up before the football game for a peptalk
53. even though you write papers for yourself and your two stepsisters, it will never occur to the teacher to ask the stepsisters about a certain passage, quote, or point in the paper.
52. the diner's color scheme follows Fiona's salmon fetish
51. even though a guy will tell you you have beautiful eyes, he won't recognize them the next time he sees you
50. if you're showing up to a big dance, there will always be a grand staircase for you to make your grand entrance
49. hot wax from a car wash won't scald you at all, only mess up your hair.


48. a dress your adult coworker has been storing for however long will fit you perfectly
47. its hard to get up from washing the floor when you're wearing roller skates
46. Hilarie Duff is the only one allowed to wear a hat in her school, probalby cuz she's had a bad day
45. twins wear similar clothes... even after their parents stop dressing them.

~ wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are - Kurt Cobain ~


63. J-Lo probably doesn't have a brown lawn

62. hillary duff can hit a check swing homerun

61. dad gets to watch the football game standing right next to the head coach?!?

60. there is some dad that might get mad is his son wants to go ivy league?


59. Cinderellas have good photographic memory. Sam managed to make her father's diner have the exact look from before Fiona took over. It's unlikely Fiona would ever let Sam keep a photograph.


58. Droughts are for poor people.


100-99. lol, true. your right.

98. i don't think fiona even had a lawyer, but i could be wrong.

97. they never flirted while they were still together, only at the dance after he had broken up with her. they were only talking over e-mails, and yeah, they did kinda have an online relationship but it was never inappropriate, just talking about their lives, they way they feel, poetry, etc. if he was sending her nude pictures of himself or vice versa (not that a movie like this would ever show that), that would be a completely different story.

96. he knew she was from princeton seeming how her e-mail was princetongirl818. as far as the mask thing goes, your right. her voice, her body, her hair, the shape of her face, you'd think he would know it was her. but his school is so big and she was "invisible" before, and she did look really pretty, so you never know- guys can be pretty shallow.

95. true

94. it never hinted at that, that was just her stepmom being a complete bitch like always. i disagree, too.

93. you lost me there

92. i actually like that line:) although it is pretty silly

91. um, you lost me again?

90. lol, i know. i noticed that too. at my school everyone would just sit there staring blankly going "wtf?"


101. Out of all of the guys in the world, if you go into a random chatroom you are sure to meet a Chad Michael Murray look-alike.
102. Normal boys go into diners and start up 'deep' conversations with waitresses.
103. Someone ate all of the salmon
104. If your staff quit, every customer will also leave the shop halfway through their meals.

Peace Love Happiness~ RIP Patrick~


57. People go to school to get smart so they can get a job. If you already have a job you don't need to go to school.

(I think, the numbers got all mixed up towards the end)
