100 things I learnt from A Cinderella Story
Please add to the following list...
100. You can do a multitude of things before school, including a swimming lesson, shift at work and several changes of clothes
99. It is not cool to work in a diner but acceptable to work in a car wash
98. Lawyers clearly dont keep copies of their clients will, they simply tell them to hide them in a book somewhere
97. Its Ok to have a email relationship and flirt with someone else if you have a gf - its not considered cheating
96. If someone wears a mask over their eyes they may aswell wear a bag on their head, because even though Austin saw Sam a loada times since the ball he never clocked on it was princeton girl
95. If you meet someone online you can give them your phone number but not your name
94. Hilary Duff is not very pretty and not very bright (i disagree)
93. Handsome popular jocks dont just have 1 thing on their mind, they like poetry too and feel so hard done by when they cant feel they can express it, but are happy to take glory for everything else
92. It is possible to be late for reality
91. In every school there is a girl who us permanently attached to the tannoy system
90. The funniest thing in the world to teenagers is cheerleaders re-enacting a badly put together skit with nothing really very funny about it at all