2004? Really?

I have yet to see the entirety of the Ginger Snaps movies, the most I've seen are clips here and there, but something doesn't seem right to me. The IMDb page states the movie came out in 2004. Not only that but apparently the "prequel" Ginger Snaps Back (Ginger Snaps 3) is stated to have also been released in 2004. Heck, even the original is stated to have come out in 2000 on it's IMDb page. This really makes no sense to me. I thought Ginger Snaps came out somewhere between 1996 - 1998. I even remember seeing a VHS copy of it in an old Hollywood Video close to where I live along with Ginger Snaps 2 which I remember originally being called Ginger Snaps Back. Maybe I'm wrong and Ginger Snaps came out in the early to mid 90s, and the sequel came out in '97/'98. But 2000 and 2004? I don't buy it. I've heard people close to my age and older (26 and up) saying that they had been fans of the first two for the longest time. Plus Ginger Snaps 3 coming out in 2004? It looks like it came out between 2009 - 2011. It smacks of a Twilight rip-off that a lot of people were churning out at that time (ex. the Little Red Riding Hood movie starring Amanda Seyfried, the revamped Teen Wolf TV movie turned show, Beastly, the latest Howling installation/remake). Am I wrong? Or are the IMDb pages wrong?

If it's been fifteen years or more, it's no longer a spoiler.


Sorry, you're dead wrong. You can't go by your memory of seeing a VHS to date a film into the 90s. The last standalone VHS system was produced in October 2008. Here's an article in 2006 saying that VHS still had 5% of the market:

http://web.archive.org/web/20070225011304/http://business.timesonline. co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/media/article785934.ece

Science has proved human memory is unreliable. People form false memories, which is what you did when you remembered the VHS tape.

You can't just backdate the year a movie was released and expect people everywhere not to notice. You can't just change the year on the credits and the DVD cover.There are infinite records that would have to be changed to keep that hoax from being detected immediately.

But to confirm that there's no conspiracy to backdate it, I can give you Karen Walton's Twitter, the writer of Ginger Snaps. She's very friendly, and she'll confirm the release date.

I can also quote to you Ernest Mathijs' book from University of Toronto Press called John Fawcett's Ginger Snaps, telling you what year it was filmed and when it was released.

There's also the link to the 1996 script, and you will see it is profoundly different from the 1998 script (found in an adjacent link on the same site)

I can also point you to fan clubs, and you can ask fans when they saw the movie. I remember a few who said they saw it in 2003 and one who says the saw it when it was released.

If you want, you could also look at reviews written at the time. The original Ginger Snaps promotional site was still up last I checked. You can also look up TV interviews of Emily Perkins on youtube promoting Ginger Snaps: Unleashed, dated 2004.

Then there's the fact that if they retroactively change the date the movie came out, it means they have to also lie about the age of actresses who played in it. So, if GS were made in the mid-90s, Emily Perkins would now actually be about 40 and Katie Isabelle would be 35.

I can cite more, but I'm getting tired. Against all that, all you have is a vague memory of seeing it on the cover of a VHS tape, which places the date as late as 2008, and paraphrasing friends who said they've been fans for the longest time. 2000 is coming up on 14 years ago. When you're 26, 14 years is the longest time.

To sum up, there's no way you're right about this. Give up.

Ginger Snaps 3 looks like a Twilight ripoff? Couldn't the rip off have gone from Ginger Snaps 3 to Twilight? Maybe Stephanie Meyer ripped off Ginger Snaps 3. Has that occurred to you?

Other things like your saying Ginger Snaps 2 was once called Ginger Snaps Back. You've got it garbled. That was the prequel, which is still called Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning. And it was produce in the same year the sequel Ginger Snaps


All three Ginger Snaps movies were released on VHS format. Because around that time, people were buying those DVD/VHS combo players so people were still buying VHS. Ginger Snaps came out on VHS in 2000, while Ginger Snaps 2 and Ginger Snaps: Beginning came out on VHS in 2004.

Heck, I bought the movie Van Helsing on VHS back in 2004 and I HAD a DVD player. The VHS copies were cheaper by then. Just like DVDs are cheaper than Blu-Ray today.

Also, a little research, the Twilight NOVEL didn't even come out until 2005. The Twilight movie came out in 2008. Little Red Riding Hood and Teen Wolf DO NOT resemble Twilight in any way other than the fact that they are marketed towards teens as a supernatural romance.

So if anything, the Twilight movie copied off of Ginger Snaps.

Blood is thicker than water and much tastier!
