Sympathy for the handsome rapist
Aaaaamazing how twisted human nature is - Here is a truly evil guy taking advantage of people in their darkest hour and it's okay for so many on this board, at least he's not some "ugly old freak".
" Well the girls seemed to be enjoying it too y'know, it's not like he forced them" - Right, because addiction has no physical effects on the body and because all you need is will power to overcome those cravings - What Tyler did was no different than threatening to pour that last bottle of water on hot desert sand while you were dying of thirst. Of course they did whatever he asked of them.
But he gets away with a sympathy vote because he's that kinda hot blond dude.
What's even more disguasting is the desperate women siding with him - or should I say wo-men ?
This movie was brilliant in its portrayal of abuse. Tyler abused their weakness, Ghost abused their trust. They were both predators in their own way but of course the handsome bloke gets the pat on the back.