Was Ghost Really a... (Spoilers)
Sociopath? Looking back on this movie and in my opinion its most interesting character by far, the way she behaves almost from start to finish can be explained by her feeling Bridget is useful to her as a future attack dog of sorts in her comic book fantasy land, as opposed to genuinely caring for her, which would fit with a sociopathic nature. There's also the other signs that she lacks basic human empathy, i.e. "I'm sorry you were such a cรบnt" to a mangled corpse, and pretty much murdering anyone who mildly annoys her. However, there's one scene that I can't reconcile, and it's where she's drawn a caricature of her grandmother as a superhero and she says "I took away her nerve endings, so she can't feel pain... "
That kind of made me think twice, that perhaps Ghost is cold and potentially sociopathic but on the other hand she may have just been disturbed in a different way, if in fact the line was genuine. I suppose it could've been a ploy to make Bridget think she was kind, but Bridget had no reason to distrust her at that point since she helped her escape and saved her life, so it wouldn't really have been necessary. On the other hand, it's made clear that she doesn't like her grandmother, having burned her almost to death and of course plotting to kill her when she returns, so this could've just been a character inconsistency within the script. What do you think? Total sociopath without a doubt, or some empathy and kindness there?
Valar morghulis