One more episode to go..
For anyone who is able to keep up with the schedule, there is still one final WYWO episode to air. It's a John Bruce episode called "I'm Ready For My Closeup".
The folks at TLC scheduling were too @$$holish to actually keep WYWO on a regular schedule so they kept skipping weeks. They moved the Saturday at 6pm EST to 5pm EST, then they moved the weekday 5pm EST ones to 6pm EST. They skipped several weeks in between showing some of their newer WYWO episodes. Now they don't have WYWO on the list of Saturdays for quite awhile. Their schedule says the final episode will air July 22nd. But who knows with the way they keep moving things around. They won't even let the homeowners know for sure when things are airing-- which is really rude.
Btw, did anyone see Chayse's final episode? And Nadia's?