MovieChat Forums > Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) Discussion > Bill Maher Laments The Rejection Of West...

Bill Maher Laments The Rejection Of Western Civilization Values By Misguided Social Justice Warriors

Season 21B started a month ago. Still getting up to million youtoob views.
He doesn't know were "anti-Israel backlash" came from? College Commie profs!
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“Western civilization is what gave the word every goddamn liberal precept to adore,” Bill Maher thundered during his “New Rules” editorial on Friday’s Real Time. He went on to list religious freedom and other benefits.

So, Maher contended, citing a recent statement from President Joe Biden, “The world would be a better place if we had more Israels.” People live better today because of Western ideals, not in spite of them, Maher contended, and that’s why he’s struggling with the anti-Israel backlash, particularly on college campuses. “It’s like a volcano that blew,” he said. “I don’t know where this come from.”

Maher brought up inflammatory statements from Hamas that promised more attacks like Oct. 7 as the reason for Israel’s huge counterpunches. “They’re (Hamas) telling you we’re going to do this again.”

Bremmer blamed social media for enflaming people. Maher agreed, and said venemous posters were akin to the people with Tiki Torches. He said the ease of smart phone posting makes peoplle “shady, mean, passive aggressive. They want to think of themselves as social justice warriors.” He added, “Imagine if they had to move to Gaza.”

Earlier in the program, Maher talked with Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democratic Congressman from Minnesota’s 3rd district who recently announced his campaign to primary Biden for the 2024 presidential nomination.

Maher again made his case that Biden is now “Ruth Bader Biden,” and while the host claimed he’s done a good job, like the late Supreme Court Justice, “he did not know when to quit.”

Phillips pointed out the polls that indicate a massive number of Democrats want someone else to run.
