Great movie

accept everything was tied up in a pretty bow. Granted this is not arthouse cinema. It's still better than half the movies that are trying to pass as action films these days. No shaky cam. It had some great action. Wish Jai White was in more.


He's one of the few action stars who is actually getting better and more interesing as he gets older. And I agree, this was an entertaining movie. No pretentiousness, no useless crap, just a right to the point fight movie.

A good take on a plot that's been done a million time. 'Lionheart' did it better, while the new one 'fighting' failed in every way... this was solid though.

"Andrew, we can't possibly be dead. We have cable." - Nothing


i thought it was a solid movie.


I disagree, I don't think Lionheart did it better, in story or in fighting. This movie was way better than Lionheart in every regard, even though both involve street fighting.

I think the plot of having Bone infiltrate the organization and fight just to rescue Angela was a much better plot than Lionheart's, and the whole vibe of the movie was more put together.

Micheal White's onscreen style is a thousand times more fun to watch than Van Damme's. With Van Damme you see the same technique upwards of 12 times in one movie.
With Blood and Bone, I couldn't wait to see what Micheal White did next, and he never disappointed. Even threw in a bit of Chinese Straight Sword at the end.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon
