fighting style!

What Kind of fighting style does he do!



haha yea that sounds about right lol



creatorof2002: you watch to many movies my friend. :)


His style and kicks are mainly made up of karate and taekwondo altough the taekwondo kicks would not work in a real fight.


It doesn't matter, its pure logic. A person with 7 black belts will be more well rounded and Jai White is extremely experienced. Boxing, Kickboxing, Grappling is overrated as the whole MMA revolution is. Its basic fighting, everyone can do it. Its street fighting. Martial Arts as Jai White does take 10-15 years to truly master and train your body to do all these moves.

You got to respect that.


2012 now. I'm hoping you've seen enough MMA to finally wake-up.

White's skills are **AMAZING**, 2nd to none in hollywood... but there's a reason showboating lives movies, and not professional MMA.

Your blinkers should've fallen-off ~1993... But some people just can't see what's in front of them. Hell, Bruce Lee was schooling in the 70's.

There's no one almighty art, despite how many stripes there are on your McDojo belt. FACT.


Everybody can do it?????? Yeah, I could do it and get my ass kicked in 10 secondss


An exaggerated form of Kyokushin-ryu Karatedo, a full-contact form of karatedo that M.J.W. is of dan rank in.

"I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire


I absolutely mean no disrespect but do we know how many dan's he got in the respective disciplines?

about black belts and kyu's in reality it varies a lot from club to club and discipline to discipline. Me for example I got a brown belt in 1.5 yrs in karate, but that club was terribly undisciplined with grades from 1-10 kyu's and I didn't feel I deserved it even though I trained quite hard that time and went to practically all classes during that period and often doubled with the beginners and experienced class.

Either way 7 black belts in different disciplines is of course very good and unusual.

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


What are you talking about? No one said anything about how many dan ranks he has in anything.
I said that the combat in the movie is an exaggerated form of Kyokushin karatedo.
It's known that M.J.W is a practitioner of Kyokushin and he holds a dan ranking in it.

I'm primarily a practitioner of koryu bujutsu, traditional Japanese arts that existed before the 'belt' system, and I have never really liked the concept of a belt system. It fosters too much egotism and it might have been a great idea to begin with [props to Jigoro Kano] but it has become nothing more than a devised that is exploited by McDojos today it seems.

"I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire


well that was why I was asking

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


Look around he's respected by a lot of the mma commnunty, bas rutten said he has amazing technique, he's friends with rashad Evans and rampage Jackson and has trained with josh Barnett, mike tyson, kimbo slice


It looks like it's some of MMA but definitely not Tai Chi like one of the girls in the film said.

What he practices in the morning doesn't look anything like Tai Chi that I've seen anyway


He's experianced in enough MA that he has his own style like everybody who's learned more than one art...
