Antagonist was lacking
I liked this movie, Bone was a cool character but a hero is only as good his antogonist. There never seemed to be any real threat to bone throughout the entire film. He walked through every villain without even breaking a sweat.
Yes there was conflict but no real conflict. No conflict = no drama.
James wasn't even competent enought to kidnap either of the Bones girls... or the boy! WTF James... can you do anything right? Bones was always two steps ahead of James. Every Superhero should have some weakness but not Bones...
The only guy who beat Bones was the old man playing chess, and my gut instinct told me that Bones threw the match just to make the old man feel good.
Even the two loudmouth kids had to get arrested before the movie ended.
This movie had so much going for it but it lacked the authenticity that would have made it great.