question about Kuze's speaking

Normally he spoke without using his mouth because it was said (I think by one of the Tachikoma techs that it takes some effort for him to use his mouth). But the one time where he used his mouth was when he was driving the van with the other Ind. 11 folks, where he reiterated the question concerning the physical copy of the essay.

Been trying to think of the significance of this, but I can't really connect with anything. Any ideas, or am I just plain unobservant?



I was wondering about that myself.

My guess is that it was unconsciously done on Kuze's part. He was getting more agitated about the lack of any hard copy of the essay so he slipped into doing something he wouldn't normally bother with.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


He was being emphatic, as it was a very important question.


I have my copy right here...well I know I got it somewhere.

I believe that was him breaking free of the Individual 11 virus. Inside he was conflicted of what he was doing at that momment, comapred to where he had been before he was under the effect of the virus.

He only seems to use his mouth when things really effect him.
