The film at the end of 1-3

What movie is Togasa's wife watch at the end of the third episode in the first season. I assume it was another Jean-Luc Goddard film since we saw references to two others earlier. In the Japanese language version is the dialogue in Japanese, French, or English?


I don't know if it's Goddard, but it says FIN at the end, so it's definitely french... you're probably right. as for the movie's language in the japanese version, it's in japanese.


According to Wikipedia, the film may be "Breathless" . see

Looking in the script which is here ipt-richard-gere.html I find the Faulkner quote mentioned.

"Between grief and nothing, I will take grief."

Can't seem to find the rest of the dialogue though.

In english version of SAC has the film dialogue in English.

