Now What???

Could anyone recommend me what anime to watch next?

I'm really interested in the themes and concepts explored in SAC, which to me is the 2nd greatest anime ever made, maybe just a hair away from Bebop. I'm actually suffering withdrawal symptoms now that I have nothing similar to watch.

-Eden of East - quelled my SAC pains. This is an example of show that I'm looking for: so similar to the topics in SAC (same creator) that it is pretty much a prequel to SAC.

-GITS and Innocence: Didn't care for GITS. Loathed the pretentious freshman-level philosophy course musings of Innocence.

I'm looking for a series or movie that reflects current events such as commerce, finance, terrorism, bureaucracy, and the concepts of dreams and the Real.

Note: I watched all of SAC (&2nd gig and SSS) and EoE in the span of 3 weeks.
