GITS Philosophy

I am wondering if somebody can point me to some books/works by various authors that deal with philosophy that was touched upon in the Stand Alone Complex series, possibly the GITS movies as well. I am no philosophy major (I study rocks and minerals) so I'm kind of lost when it comes to finding philosophy books. I have these thus far:

"The Ghost in the Machine" by Arthur Koestler

"The Phenomenology of Spirit" by Georg W.F. Hegel

"How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics" by N. Katherine Hayles

"Chasing Technoscience: Matrix for Materiality" by various authors

"Individualism and Economic Order" by Friedrich Hayek

Any books by Donna Haraway (her essay "Cyborg Manifesto")

I am actually growing somewhat familiar with Haraway as I am actually reading her essays in my Women in Science class. If anything, this class is not scientific essays, but full of philosophical essays that make little sense to me. I am not generally good at reading philosophy unless it is dumbed down for me...I have a hard enough time with geology jargon.

Margeary is dreaming of horses.

Rise and rise again-until lambs become lions.


A few of particular interest to me: The one set in the movie theater in the cyberbrain of the indie director is specifically about structuralism.

Kuze's revolution deals with Marxist theory of Base and Superstructure in the cyber world.



Okay, this may be a stupid question, but after I read your you visit any video game forums by any chance?

Margeary is dreaming of horses.

Rise and rise again-until lambs become lions.
