Affection: A Touching Episode

One of the episodes during the 2nd gig called Affection was really sweet and touching. I love character development episodes and I thought that was an interesting tid bit about the Major.


I read an article in Anime World about 2nd. GIG and the producers said that Masamune Shirow never really came up with a backstory about the Major's early life so they came up with the "Affection" story line. It had been hinted at in a couple of first season episodes but not much else. Masamune Shirow approved of the story they came up with. It dovetails nicely in with the story line with Kuze. It's one of my favorite 2nd GIG episodes.


Eeeh, I thought it an unwelcome break in the engaging story arc. Not much happened. Even if it did set the stage for the Kuze/Motoko relationship, an episode should stand on its own but that's just me.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...


I think it really fit in well with her character. Her persistence in learning how to fold the origami cranes at an early age could be a stepping stone to becoming one of the world's top prosthetic body operators.


Wait... what??? I don't think the little girl was supposed to be the major. However, I think the little boy was supposed to be Kuze. Can anyone confirm that?


The girl from the episode was Motoko when she was younger. This is how she got her prostethic body in first place.


Yeah that definitely hints at it being the major... Strongly but. this ties into a question that really bugs me. Does Kuze and the Major ever acknowledge that they were acquainted during childhood.

in 2nd gig the major constantly says she knows kuze. Kuze says when they meet in ep 25, "how many times have we met? 3, 4?" but continues to ask who she is. i would have thought that meant he acknowledged who she was... i guess not though.

She asks him if he can fold cranes left handed, he says yes with software, then asks if she can, to which she says, she has learned to. They hug after this and does that mean that they acknowledge that they have been acquainted since childhood.

To make matters more confusing, the major on the helicopter ride back with kuze in custody randomly exclaims, "I know him." Really now what is the deal... Did she not know before, did they never affirm their identities with each other. The external memory bit... Did Kuze give up his memory of his childhood to a storage lady... Want to know how that end ties up. Any answers from manga or opinions on this
