There are a number of series close to this in terms of quality, but dont look for an exact duplicate. In terms of classical Science Fiction (SF), i believe there is nothing close to this.
Cowboy Beebop: Aimed at mature audience. Also a SF series, the characters are better fleshed than Ghost in the Shell, and each episode feels better paced. One of the only series i enjoyed more. The style is very good, it has suspense and mystery, doesnt dab into philosophy as much, but when it does, it is very good.
Trigun: Aimed at a younger audience than Ghost in the Shell. Very good gun battles, keeps you very interested. Very fun/ridiculous characters. Good SF elements, but more fantasy than classical SF (not nearly as much thou as other series).
Black Lagoon: Present day anime, aimed at mature audience. The "artistic beauty" is second to none. The characters, as long as they dont dwell in monologues too much, are great. In terms of style and character construction, they present some of the most varied, surprising but still believable characters ever. Some philosophy discussed, but it keeps repeating the same concepts and doesnt go anywhere. The psychology of some the characters (Revi, Twins, Balalaika) is really frightening, more so because they are believable. Although it has some weaker segments, the strong segments are the best in anime i.m.o.
These are the three anime series I have seen that come close to Ghost in the Shell in terms of artistic quality, characters, and writing.