Will Section 9 ever come to the U.S. (American Empire)?
We saw how Japan and Germany looked. We know there were the destructive wars which changed the world between now and 2030. We heard a lot about the American Empire (including it's collusion with Goda and others) and it's interests. There is also an Ameri-Svoiet Union according to dialogue.
Wouldn't it be neat if Section 9 came to the American Empire (New York, LA, DC, Vancouver, and elsewhere in the continent)?
I would like to see if we have destroyed zones, population strife, refugees, coastal cities under water, etc.
I have the three mangas but have not read them. I don't think they come to the U.S. Empire. Nothing about U.S. in Solid State Society. They did too much teasing on the U.S.
We need to see what it looks like in the G.I.T.S. future!