Unbelievably good

Sometimes I watch films (especially American films) and I'm not satisfied. The stories are often not original. There is no suspense. The characters are often two dimensional.

I thought of this movie for days. I generally don't like gore in movies but I see the necessity of it in this movie. The story was beautiful and it was beautifully acted. The cinematography was beautiful. All of the characters were fleshed out.

I highly recommend this.


Oui, Monsieur ou Madame. If you've never seen The Princess and the Warrior, check it out too.

Roger, Roger


i agree with the OP

and thank you, hokeydoodle - going to look up that one now. =)

Generation Kill - Lollipop


It's my favourite film of the decade.

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


It was a great surprise. Wonderful film.

As you are, I was. As I am, you will be.
