
WOW! I'm not usually one for subtitled movies - however when my friend showed me a preview for it, I thought it looked really good - so I watched it (on youtube of course - since I highly doubt i'll find it in any movie stores) and I was BLOWN AWAY! Excellent piece of work - I watched another film by this director actually (Amelié) and I adored both of the ways it was filmed.
I definately cried while watching it - because the storyline was so emotional - yet I LOVED IT. Definately one of my favourite movies now!


i watched it on youtube too lol,i loved it, i wish it was better quality tho. i thought amelie was better but this makes up for it by having Marion Cotillard in it.

hey, yoda needs to give some better advice, or yoda needs to shut the *beep* up


You can buy it on Amazon or at any reputable mail order house. For me, it was the film of the decade.

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


Watching this movie is a powerful experience that touches all of the senses. Its worth watching several times so that you can take in all of the stunning visual beauty, the subtleties in the dialogue, the performances, and the gorgeous settings.

As you are, I was. As I am, you will be.
