Bingo Crepuscule Today

Was wondering if Bingo Crepuscule today looks as beautiful as when Mathilde visited it later after the war.

Do tourists go there? has it changed or does it look different than in the movie?

i tried googlemaps it seemed to point to this place (B):

Maîtres Robinetiers de France
213 Boulevard Voltaire, 80100 Abbeville, France

Is it this place? Thanks.


Actually, I am pretty sure this place is fictitious. My parents had a country home right in the general area where the Bingo Crepuscule trench was supposed to be, and I can tell you that, immediately after WW1, those trenches were filled, so the locals could forget the horrors of what went on there... And the address you picked up has nothing to do with the movie or the trench! It is the office of the French guild of plumbers! It is actually in the same "département" (what we call a state here) where the "war part" of the story takes place, but at the opposite western end, all the way on the coast.
It is, nevertheless, a fascinating area of France where one can see numerous cemeteries, some French, some American, some British, some Canadian, etc... If you really want the full experience of what the trench war was like in WW1, then visit Verdun and its surroundings (especially Douaumont); it is quite unforgettable, pretty haunting even. It would remind you a lot of what you saw in the movie.
I hope this helps!


It's called fiction, Dude. Like "The Guns of Navarone.". Try finding Navarone on Google Earth.


Thank you so much about your information re Verdun and Douaumont.
Please, what is an Ossuaire?


An ossuaire is a place where you keep bones - from "os" = bones.
