MovieChat Forums > The Good Shepherd (2006) Discussion > The cardinal rule of democracy is genero...

The cardinal rule of democracy is generosity

Can you clear this up for me?

If Ulysses' aide who Edward gave the dollar to the museum was the Cardinal (Soviet mole working for the US)then was he passing a messege to him (the dollar drop like at the beguinning of the film)or giving away his position to Ulysses by way of payment for sparing his son?


It is an ongoing debate as far I know. I have seen the movie numerous times and it is hard to really understand exactly what is going on. It's been years so I might have to watch it again and see if I can add new information. I actually came to the boards to see if there is a definitive answer.


I read it as Ulysees stated how Edward Jr's soon to be wife couldn't be trusted by the soviets anymore. Ulysees and Edward just had a talk about how Ulysees want's a favor in exchange for protecting Edward Jr. So in exchange for not pursuing Edward Jr, Edward would put out the hit on his son's fiance. Thus the whole giving of the dollar and saying the cardinal rule of democracy is generosity.
