MovieChat Forums > The Good Shepherd (2006) Discussion > Why was Dr. Fredericks screaming?

Why was Dr. Fredericks screaming?

What do you think that group of guys did to him? I would've assumed they would just shoot him and throw him in the river, but the extended screaming suggests they were torturing him somehow before they offed him. Which kinda seems a bit like overkill, honestly.



I would do a hate crime on you, because I hate stupid people.


The screaming was intense but only lasted a short time. There was a bit of blood, it's quite possible that he was either gutted or had some thing else removed.


The elimination of a seasoned British agent was no light matter. He removal had to be associate with a lifestyle in itself, very dangerous, thereby using the "Jack the Ripper" theory of gutting and sexual destruction of breast, womb and lower genitalia in reverse.
Who then would investigate a known homosexual, who didn't hide his excitement for young men? The British double agent knowing this, and realizing it was just a matter of time, had to make sure the old man was taken out before he had a chance to out him as a Russian spy!
The Americans, babes in the woods,just learning 400 yrs of European spy craft, were slow on the uptake.


I found the prolonged screaming curious, also. Maybe they sodomized Dr. Fredericks repeatedly with his walking stick before killing him and that was the reason for the screaming? The camera did focus in on the walking stick as it bobbed in the water.


Maybe he was unlucky enough to read the script. "No, no, no, I cannot appear in this film, it makes no sense" !



If I was being beaten to death by a gang I would probably also scream.

"The man chooses. The slave obeys." - Andrew Ryan


That is so obvious. He was beaten to death to make it appear as a banal crime.

I find incredible that people who say they want to have intelligent discussion about movies can be so stupid. They don't get it and then blame the movie or the script.


You've obviously never been beaten to death before. When one is being beaten to death, one has not the capacity or the energy to scream at the top of one's lungs throughout the ordeal. Momentary moaning/groaning? Yes. Prolonged screaming? No.


I always just assumed they set him on fire. Why..i don't know.

I take a little Chigurh in my coffee.


He heard your question, thought it was ridicules, screamed half to death, and a bunch of guys shut him up by tossing him face down in the river


I took it that his death was reflective of his lifestyle. An elderly posh pederast, with a thing for rough youths of the lower orders, set-upon by them, and dreadful pervy things done to him before the merciful release of being chucked in the water.



Yeah pretty obvious that cane was shoved right up his ass.


I hope they had the decency to at least "chalk the cue" before using it in such a manner.



+cmap2 scores again!

I'm going to watch for your other bons mot!


the water was really cold?

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


it could be they prolonged it to make it look like a hate crime (heck in a sense that's exactly what it was -- a hate crime). If they made the kill too easy it might have looked too much like an assassination and draw more attention.

RIGOLETTO: I'm denied that common human right, to weep.
