Pool films

Does anyone know of any other Pool films that are in production at the moment?

Or any pool films that are due for release for 2005/2006?



hey there, one of my favorite movies is Poolhall Junkies. I highly recommend that you watch it NOW! it's great. christopher walken is another plus.
I don't know of any recent pool movies coming out though. Pool Hall Prophets doesn't seems like a regurgitated plot to me. pool hall junkies is great!
hope this helps.


If you want a decent pool movie, there's the hustler, COlor of Money and Poolhall Junkies. Poolhall junkies is a decent movie, it smells of Rounders and doesn't have the best acting, but it's a fun movie and worth it if you want to see some pool


color of money is worth watching too


Stick men is a good one


Amen, Stick Men is the best pool movie to come along in years. I think serious pool players would be very disappointed by Pool Hall Junkies- all of the "tricks" and "hustles" in the movie are the most cliched and stupid hustles of all time; no one who hangs out in pool rooms would fall for any of that crap. It makes the movie become very silly and unrealistic. It's comparable to an experienced bartender watching the movie "Cocktail". Once you've been there, the movie just seems ridiculous. Stick Men touches on a few things where no other pool movie has been; I thought it was well done (and hilarious in a few parts).


Whoever liked this or Poolhall Junkies doesn't know a thing about pool or is a ballbanger or groupie. Stick with The Hustler and TCOM.

As for what's in production, a movie is being made on the life of Danny Basavich aka Kid Delicious. You can read about it in Billiards Digest or Sports Illustrated.

Also, Jennifer Barretta has landed a role in a small indie film about pool. Check out her website: www.jenniferbarretta.com.


hell yeah! The Hustler is the ultimate pool film. and indeed Poolhall junkies uscked even more than the shooting gallery.


"Whoever liked this or Poolhall Junkies doesn't know a thing about pool or is a ballbanger or groupie. Stick with The Hustler and TCOM"

Again, Amen to that.



This movie sucks
" Have A Better One..."




'pool-playing' movie list:

The Hustler (the best pool movie ever), the Colour of money (follows in the footsteps of the hustler but no-where as good), Stickmen (a NZ film- no great pool, but pretty hilarious movie- especially if you're from NZ)), Poolhall Junkies (decent pool shots, although they are mostly blatantly set-up, some poor acting, but still an enjoyable experience), Poolhall prophets (well...), The Baron and the Kid (also very hard to get hold of- not too bad although not as much pool as I wanted and slightly dated), Chalk (very gritty and underground pool movie- good luck getting a copy of this!), Kiss Shot (Whoopie Goldberg is ok in this very 1990's TV/soap looking film, no great pool- pick it up for your collection if you must), the Bultimore Bullet (better than I thought it would be, but again somewhat dated), The last time I committed suicide (has some pool in it and a very yound Keano Reeves but not worth a watch only for the pool).

I think it's about time someone directed something as deep as the Hustler, rather than the candy-coated pool-films we have seen recently. It will take a serious director and a willing (brave) producer but it could be done.


Not a pool film, but falls in the category of hustling films... "The Sting." Everyone who enjoys a good con should see it.


god I own all these movies... I need to lose all this free time


One I don't see here yet is "Racing With The Moon," with Sean Penn and Nicholas Cage. It actually features 14.1 Continuous, or Straight Pool as it is better known. This is the game also featured in "The Hustler"(I'm talking in Pool 101 terms for the Poolhall Junkies crowd). "Racing" has some fun, high-energy gambling scenes involving 14.1; even has a cameo by "Machine Gun" Lou Butera, a bona-fide billiards Hall-of-Famer known for his rapid-fire playing speed. Check it out!
"Love isn't brains, Children; it's blood."
