worth a rental for sure
and now to talk about my opinion on Paycheck, a movie with a fantastic concept that is also riddled with stupid problems. There were enough retarded moments in this movie combined with the fact that I'm just tired enough that there probably won't be any spoilers in here. However, for me the concept was absurdly good. It reminded me a lot of the miniseries "The Room" which I cannot recommend enough, and by that comparison I'm only referring to the objects that each had their own specific use to be revealed at a later time. Anyway, that's what we're dealing with here: a movie with (in my opinion) an absolutely addictive concept that draws you in combined with retarded moments. I'm talking stuff like Ben Affleck outrunning a subway and the usual just absolutely off-the-wall retarded stuff you see in movies. You all know what I mean. Oh man, that reminds me of the most retarded movie I've seen lately, and by seen I mean watched the last 15 minutes of: Wanted, with Shia Labouef. Good god, and I had watched the first hour a few months ago and had to shut it off because it was hurting my brain too much, but I caught the end on cable. Just thinking about makes me want to punch the writers in the face repeatedly. Goddammit. So yea, Paycheck is for sure worth renting.