Justin Long as a sidekick?

I wonder what did people think of Justin Long as John's sidekick Matt Farrell. I thought he was was rather hilarious. I do wish that the 5th film would have mentioned if Lucy was still with Matt or if they broke up considering how they had the hots for each other at the end.


Great side kick! Much better than Bruce Willis, who is the side kick in 5.


I liked Justin Long, because he was obviously doing his best while Willis was just sleepwalking. Also, I'd almost call McClane the sidekick as he had no clue what was going on at any part of the movie. Matt at least knew the computer stuff.



the problem is Justin Long doesn't look like a smart guy

he looks like a slacker


I enjoyed Justin as Matt. I thought he was funny.

We're actors! We're the opposite of people.--The Player


He looks like Adam Driver’s dick.


I cannot think of a worse insult in history.


the credence scene was really painful


him and smith are hard to tolerate . smith should have born a different actor and justin long’s dialogue should have been cut.
