Did anyone notice Schrodinger's cat (possible key to film)?
I hated this film that tried too hard to be art cinema (though the atmosphere was really great).
But there was a scene that nobody else seems to have mentioned: Sean and Anna are talking at a table and she says her dead husband used to lecture on psysics, more specifically the division of atoms. The next second, a cat crosses the table. Of course it's an obvious reference to the Schrodinger's cat experiment, which basically says an event takes place AND doesn't take place at the same time, but it only takes place (or doesn't) when you measure it; until you measure it, it takes AND it doesn't take place (the quantum superimposition theory).
Because the film was pretentious but hollow, I think the cat scene was thrown in just to be a (fake and lame) intellectual reference. But maybe was there something else? I haven't seen all the movie so maybe this scene would explain a little what (the hell) happened.
Gognitti bailed. I made like Chow Yun-Fat.