MovieChat Forums > Something's Gotta Give (2003) Discussion > The makers of this movie never saw..

The makers of this movie never saw..

.. the youtube channel called 'Better Bachelor', it seems.

There's no way Jack's character would ever .. well, this is just such a typical hollyweird trope, cliché and stupidity that a wrinkled, post-wall hag could attract young and old men (doctors, too) alike, as if she's the most desirable thing in existence.

Holy cow. I know old hags want assurance and there's big money to be made from lying to them this way, but this movie just takes it to ridiculous heights, and kills any possibilty for suspension of disbelief.

The old woman in this movie would never be ANY man's first choice, or object of attraction / lust of any kind, emotional, romantic, mental, emotional, sexual, or otherwise.

Can anyone watch these 'romantic scenes' between our two elderly main characters in this movie without gagging, wanting to vomit or at least thinking about hurling? Wah, movies like this are the stupidest thing on this planet, and I don't get how they get big stars to act in them.

I guess money talks..


Do you really believe that older men and women stop having sex?
