MovieChat Forums > Something's Gotta Give (2003) Discussion > Frances McDormand Was Hilarious!!!

Frances McDormand Was Hilarious!!!



ITA. She and Diane look like they could be related too. I don't know why they put her in pigtails though. I don't think that character would have really worn pigtails.


Why not? They were at the beach at her summer home. I see women wearing pigtails all the time in the Hamptons. It's casual for a hot day.

We live by the Sun, we feel by the Moon


I completely agree! I love the way she says "I have papers to grade, your mother has to two can do...whatever it is you're going to do." Also the way she is goofing around with Diane Keaton in the kitchen and she slaps her butt when she bends over his just so the way sisters act. I think she's brilliant.


I just LOVE Frances shes my favorite actress!!!! yeahhh!!!


I know! I loved her character too, she was spot on in everything she said...
I especially liked her little speech during dinner and the "sister talk" that came afterwards. I loved her!


Her speech at dinner was HILARIOUS. Quite frankly for me, a 44 year old divorceé, it was the best and funniest part of the movie!


She didn't have much of a part, though. That's okay, Diane, Keanu, and Jack were the main focus. Sadly, Amanda Peet's character drove me nuts in this movie. She was supposed to be a woman in her mid 30's, and i swear, her character was more like an airheaded 17 year old! She just seemed so immature and dumb. She is an attractive woman, but her acting just doesn't seal the deal in most movies, often making her annoying. I liked her in Idenity, and that's about it. I couldn't stand her in either 'Nine Yards, Saving Silverman, High Crimes, and especially this. She has yet to show me a real effort in her acting. I know i'm not a brilliant actor by any means, but neither is she.

"Imagination is the Figment"


I agree. Frances should have had more scenes later in the film. I thought she was great but under-utilized. I also agree that Peet was annoying in this otherwise fun film.


I totally agree, FM was wonderful in this movie! I also liked Amanda Peet. Remember, her mom said that she had commitment issues, so I think she was supposed to play the role the way she did.

If she hadn't had that personality, she may have been mad at her mom for having the hots for her boyfriend, even if he WAS more her mom's age.

I thought she was adorable.


Amanda Peet's character drove me nuts in this movie. She was supposed to be a woman in her mid 30's

Mid-30's? She was supposed to be in her mid-to-late 20's, and was 30 when the film was released. I think her character was a bit younger than her actual age, too. I'd think someone in their mid-30's would be way too old for Jack's character!

Frances was great as Zoe. I'm sister-less, and the relationship between Erica and Zoe was so funny and real.


She was loving her part; made it a joy to watch her.

I was disappointed she disappears halfway through the movie.


For someone who’s barely in the film, she definitely makes an impression.

Her diatribe at dinner is one of my favorite scenes in the film.
