One of the most unrealistic romantic movies I've seen
I just didn't buy it, almost anything in the movie. Characters were barely developed. Literally movie starts with Harry without his pants in his girlfriend's house and then Erica catches him and confuses him for a intruder. First of all, I just didn't buy the relationship between Harry and Marin, at the beginning I cringed when I saw them, and it basically made me convinced from the start that Marin is a whorish little girl who sees Harry as a big dollar with feet. Then when Marin confessed to her mother that Harry is her *cough* boyfriend, Erica's reaction was total crap. She was like "Oh I am sorry for confusing you for a burglar", did it occurred her for a second to actually ask her daughter what the hell is she doing with an old man?
Then at the hospital scene, when Harry confesses with hesitation that he took Viagra, she giggles at him instead of thinking maybe that he was just planning to bang her daughter..
Felling in love, that's the worst part in the movie, all the sudden Erica is left to babysit Harry, whilst there's a young doctor who read her books and who's happened to show love interests for Erica. So doctor "Julian" played by Keanu Reeves (I have to note that this is the worst acting from Keanu I've seen) invites her to dinner. At the dinner we didn't got to see did Erica disregarded possible relationship with Julian, instead movie continued with Erica basically whoring around. She came back, she chatted with Harry, got in the kitchen with him and was ready to make pancakes with him. At this scene we clearly seen some sparks between the two just before their daughter came in. I assume we, audience were supposed to buy it, but hell, that didn't quite worked out for me. I thought it's ridiculous and forced, and just when I thought things can't get worse, then her daughter comes in and notices two are in love and is not questioning openly why for example her *coughs* boyfriend is flirting with her mother, instead she giggles at them, and later notes to her mother, in the way she says it, it feels like she's happy for them. Jesus Christ, Harry is your F boyfriend, what the hell? Then I heard that Marin apparently cheated Harry with another one while she was on trip to somewhere, I didn't catch that up, it was enough for me to remember that she cheated, that she doesn't care about her boyfriend flirting with another woman while they were still in relationship, like I predicted in the beginning, she's a whore.
So later Harry and Erica hook up, kiss at the rainy day and have sex, they sleep eight hours which is "impossible" for them, and Marin invites Erica to go to the dinner with her, Marin's mother and Erica's ex husband, and his new fiance who's also a young girl dating and old man.
And there apparently Harry brings a girl who we never really got explained who the F is she, instead Harry calls her "friend" and judging by what that scene outside the restaurant was supposed to meant, Harry was cheating and love birds were broken. I didn't buy that he cheated her, especially after how devoted he was to Erica before that restaurant.
Then apparently there was a movie shooting which was an adaption of Erica's book in which he killed off Harry (in her book called Henry). haha are you kidding me?
And movie basically moves towards the end when Harry goes to Paris where Erica is celebrating her birthday, and they all chat whilst sitting in a restaurant, Harry explains how he got to every girl he banged to find out how it made him to what he is, and tells that he changed. Erica shows barely any reactions to seeing him after months have passed, instead she chats with him like nothing happened, basically like two met on a daily coffee. So Julian comes to the table (which I predicted already) and two are being a regular love couple while Harry gets to watch it, Erica discusses with the trio with zero F given, making herself look like a hypocrite, and I am not sure but I think she was engaged to Julian. So Harry goes to the bridge, and apparently Erica somehow finds him there. Did she contacted CIA to track his phone or something? And claims that Julian had to break up with her because he noticed she's still in love with him which made me feel sorry for the guy because Erica was dragging him around like a monkey, and was faking all the "I love you Julian", while secretly being in love with Harry.
Whoever was making this movie barely has any vision of film-making, and clearly has some sort of young/old fetish. This movie in general is making our society look bad.
At above else said, it was entertaining movie because of good actors, but crappy character development, forced love issues, predictive plot, and in general makes no sense. In the terms of this movie's quality it's not BAD. Despite all the meaningless stuff it has heart and soul in it, but it's incredibly unrealistic. The way how story in the movie progressed.
I would rate the movie 5/10